How we protect your private information collected and held at My Doctor and My Doctor Matakana.
This practice collects and holds personal information about you so that we can
- Take your medical records into account when treating you
- Contact you in connection with your healthcare
- Provide relevant medical records when we refer you to other healthcare providers
- Claim subsidies and other payments, when available, on your behalf to reduce the cost of your healthcare
- Provide statistical information (without identifying you) to the PHO and the Government
- Provide details of injuries to the ACC or other accident insurance companies
- Improve the quality of health care provided.
Information we collect is usually available only to doctors and practice staff. Only relevant information is transferred to other organisations, as described below. You have the right to see and correct any information we hold about you.
TRANSFER OF HEALTH INFORMATION This practice is associated with Procare and Comprehensive Health, organisations formed and owned by General Practitioners. These organisation are involved in administering some of your subsidies and co-ordinating some of the health services we provide for our patients.
- For statistical, health monitoring and funding purposes, we are obliged to send relevant information to Government Agencies and accident insurers such as ACC.
These organisations use the information we provide to fund appropriate services and provide subsidies which help reduce your cost of medical care, prescriptions, and laboratory tests. The information transferred from this practice is:
- Consulting Doctor
- Date of each consultation
- Your name, gender, ethnic origin, address and date of birth
- Your Government-assigned National Health Index (NHI) number
- Your Community Services Card and High User Health Card details (if applicable)
- Details of immunisations given and maternity services provided
- Details of any injuries sustained by you as the result of an accident
- Details of your enrolment with the practice’s Primary Health Organisation (PHO).
If you are being referred for further medical treatment, we may need to provide your details and relevant medical records to a specialist or other health provider. We will not supply your details to other organisations without your awareness and consent unless legally obliged. If you are currently registered with another practice and we claim subsidies your regular doctor will be informed. If you do not wish us to transfer relevant information in order to claim subsidies on your behalf, you will need to pay the full cost of your treatment. Other information about your care may be transferred to other organisations for funding, research and quality improvement. This information is sent securely and any information that identifies you is removed on arrival to protect your privacy. At all times strict privacy is maintained under the Privacy Act 1993 and the Health Information Privacy Code 1994 and by the medical ethics of confidentiality which we uphold at all times. For more information, please ask your doctor or the practice staff. PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS OR CONTACT DETAILS