Lab Results and Imaging Reports

Results and Reports 

Laboratories , Radiology clinics, specialists, hospital and other health professionals usually report back to your General Practitioner within a short time which ranges from hours to a few weeks. 

Lab results are often back within 1-2 days

Certain types of results such as smears and histology may take 2-3 weeks.


Doctor’s review

All test results and reports are seen and actioned by the doctor as soon as possible after receipt. This is usually on the same day or within 2-3 days at the latest. During this process the doctor will compare results with previous values and the reason for ordering each test.

A decision is made on whether further action is required.

  • The doctor may contact the patient for follow-up tests and/or request an appointment to discuss the next steps. This is usually by text messaging , email or a phone call.
  • If the tests are as expected the results are filed and they will be available for viewing on your patient portal.
  • The doctor is always happy to explain your results in more detail, simply make an appointment at your convenience.